550A - Traffic Control Devices

This contract covers the following categories: Category I: Cones, Category II: Drums, Category III: Triton® Barriers, Category IV: Barricades, Category V: Roll-Up Signs, Category VI: Pavement Marking Materials. Stenciling services are provided. The Agency shall contact the Vendor for the type of stenciling, location of stenciling on item, color of stenciling, etc. prior to any stenciling work being performed.

This is a mandatory Statewide Term Contract for state agencies, departments, institutions, universities and community colleges - unless exempted by North Carolina General Statute. Additionally, non-mandatory entities, including schools and local government, that are allowed by general statute may use this contract.

Contract Administrator: Myra Welch

Telephone Number: 984-236-0242

eProcurement Status: Partially loaded