Jackson Builders, Inc - Dewberry High School Tracks - Enloe HS - Goldsboro, NC

Jackson Builders, Inc. 

Street Address: PO Box 148, Goldsboro, NC  27533 

BID Time: 2:00 am 

BID Date: 05/28/2019 

BID Location Street Address: PO Box 148, Goldsboro, NC  27533 

Project Title: Dewberry High School Tracks - Enloe HS 

Project Location Street Address: 128 Clarendon Crescent, Raleigh, NC  27610 
Scope of Work: 
1. Demolition/removal of existing track surface and various track & field events.
2. Minor earth grading around track & field area.
3. Installation of new track surface, concrete edging and other track & field events.
4. Installation of various fencing, concrete walks, asphalt paving and Bermuda sod.
5. Provide track protector and runway rubber mats as specified.

HUB certified vendors/contractors are encouraged to submit a bid for this project.

Project Information URL: https://jacksonbuilders.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/extfileshare/EhKonEc8NQ5Pg…

Pre-Bid Meeting: No